65 year old female with Chronic renal failure .

March 30, 2022


9th semester

Roll no:- 102

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan. 

Daily Routine:-

She wakes morning at 7AM .At7:30 AM drinking honey and lemon water then watching TV and doing daily work.Having lunch (rice with curry) and At 8pm dinner( chapathis).


A 65 year old  female homemaker , resident of miryalaguda came to the OPD yesterday morning with the 

Cheif complaints

Swelling of hands and feet since 15 days 

Swelling of the face since 15 days 

Easy fatigability since 15days

Shortness of breath since 5 days (grade 4)


Patient was apparently asymptomatic  15 days back then she developed pain and swelling in leg which was sudden in onset , gradually progressive which was aggravated on exercise and relevied by taking rest.

* she had swelling of hands and feet since 13days

* Facial puffiness since 5days

* c/o joint pains since 15 days , she is unable to walk and work for 4days.

No history cough , chest pain , 

No history of fever, burning micturation ,hematuria.

Event time line:

*The patient had a traumatic experience an year ago where she lost her son! Since then , patient started sleeping for longer time and also increased snoring  since an year ( as said by the daughter ).

*3 months ago , she started consuming protein powder for weight loss , she used to consume only one meal a day that is in the afternoon and used to drink protein powder both morning and evening. 
No h/o exercising** .

(Replaced her morning and evening meals with protein powder ) 

*After fracture she stopped taking protein powder .

*2 months ago : H/O  fall due to sudden loss of balance breaking her left wrist for which she went to a local RMP and was suggested an Ayurvedic slab for the left wrist ! 

*15 days ago :  she went for the removal of the Ayurvedic slab .

*2days back she came to hospital with above symptoms . 


She is known case of diabetes and hypertension for the past 15years for which she is under regular medication.

On Telma H 40mg and on Azulix 1 MF ( glimiperide + metformin) 

*2 months ago : H/O  fall due to sudden loss of balance breaking her left wrist for which she went to a local RMP and was suggested an Ayurvedic slab for the left wrist ! 

* Not a known case of thyroid ,TB , epilepsy, CVD etc.

* History of Right eye cataract surgery two years back .

* No history of blood transfusions

Menstrual history

Age of menarche - 13yrs

H/o Tubectomized 22yrs ago


Diet - mixed
Appetite - Reduced(since 5days)
Bowel and bladder movements are regular
Sleep is prolonged
Urine output is reduced
No known allergies 
No known addictions.

Family History

*Her elder brother passed away in a heart attack at the age of 40 years old.
*Her younger brother is a known case of diabetes 


Patient is conscious, coherent and coperative examined under well lit and good ventilaton.

well built and moderately nourished

Vitals : 

Temperature: afebrile (98.3 degrees F) 

Pulse rate: 91bpm 

Respiratory rate :18cpm  

Blood pressure : 140/90 (as of today morning)

Spo2 -99% in room air

Vitals 31.03 .22

Pallor : present
No icterus
No cyanosis
No clubbing
No koilonchya
No lymphadenopathies
Pedal edema: pitting type present

Clinical pictures


On 31.03.22



Chest wall - bilaterally symmetrical
No dilated veins, scars, sinuses

Apex beat shift to 6th intercostal space .
No parasternal heave, thrills felt.

Right and left heart borders percussed.

S1 and S2 heard , 
no thrills and no murmurs were heard

 Respiratory system examination

On inspection

Chest shape is elliptical
Bilateral symmetry of chest
Exapands equally on inspiration
Rate and rhythm 34Cpm and irregular
Trachea: central
No dilated veins , scars ,sinuses

On palpation

Position of trachea central
Apex beat shifted to 6th intercoastal space
Equal Expansion of chest on respiration
No tenderness over chest wall

On percussion

Dull note - infra axillary ,mammary , infra scapular on both sides
Remaining areas are resonant

 On Auscultation:

Normal Vesicular breath sounds are heard 
Bilateral   crepitations are heard on both sides ( infra axillary, mammary, infra scapular).


Shape – scaphoid
Flanks – free
Umbilicus –central in position , inverted.
All quadrants of abdomen are moving with respiration.
No dilated veins, hernial orifices , sinuses
No visible pulsations

Soft, non tender
Spleen liver kidney not palpable

There is no fluid thrill , shifting dullness

 Bowel sounds are heard

No neurological deficits


Blood grouping


Blood urea

Serum creatinine


Serum iron

Serum Electrolytes



chest x ray


Provisional Diagnosis : ?CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE ?diabetic nephropathy ?uremic encephalopathy 


On 29.03.22

1)  TAB . Lasix 40 mg PO/BD 

2) TAB. Nodosis 500 mg PO/BD 

3) TAB. Shelcal CT 500 mg PO / OD 

4) TAB. Orofer XT 1 tab PO /OD 

5) TAB. PAN 40 mg PO/OD 

6) INJ. Erythropoietin 4000 IU SC. Weekly once

7) TAB. Nicardia 20 MG PO/TID  

On 30.03.22

1)  TAB . Lasix 40 mg PO/BD 

2) TAB. Nodosis 500 mg PO/BD 

3) TAB. Shelcal CT 500 mg PO / OD 

4) TAB. Orofer XT 1 tab PO /OD 

5) TAB. PAN 40 mg PO/OD 

7) TAB. Nicardia 20 MG PO/TID

On 31.03.22

1)  TAB . Lasix 40 mg PO/BD 

2) TAB. Nodosis 500 mg PO/BD 

3) TAB. Shelcal CT 500 mg PO / OD 

4) TAB. Orofer XT 1 tab PO /OD 

5) TAB. PAN 40 mg PO/OD 

7) TAB. Nicardia 20 MG PO/TID


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