55 year old female with history of fever and headache

June 12 ,2022

Long case

Name - Pailla.Manasa

Hall ticket number - 1701006132

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan. 


55 year old female home maker came to the OPD with cheif complaints of:-

*Fever since 4days
*Headache since 4days
*Neck stiffness since 4days

History of presenting illness:-

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4days back then she developed fever which was insidious in onset , continuous type , not associated with chills and rigor and relieved on medication.

Patient also complaints of diffuse headache which was throbbing type present throughout the day with no aggravating factors and relieved on medication.

There was a one episode of vomiting which was no projectile, non bilious ,food as content

She also had Neck stiffness associated with puffiness of face and generalized body pains.

No history photophobia , seizures and

Past history:-

No history of similar complaints in the past.

Not a known case of Diabetes,Hypertension, TB, Asthma, Epilepsy.

Personal history:-

Diet - Mixed

Appetite- Normal

Bowel and bladder - Regular

Sleep - Adequate

No addictions

No drug and food allergies.

Family history

Not Significant

General Examination

Patient was conscious , coherent and co-operative examined under well light and adequate ventilation after taking consent

Moderately built & Moderately nourished

No signs of pallor , icterus ,clubbing , cyanosis, lymphadenopathy and generalized edema.


On 9/6/22

Temperature: 99F

B.p: 130/80mmHg

Resp.rate: 18cpm

Pulse rate: 98bpm

Spo2:- 98%

On 10/6/22

Temperature: 99.3F

B.p: 120/80mmHg

Resp.rate: 18cpm

Pulse rate: 78bpm

Spo2:- 99%

On 11/6/22

Temperature: 97.8F

B.p: 110/70mmHg

Resp.rate: 22cpm

Pulse rate: 76bpm

Spo2:- 98%

On 12/6/22

Temperature: afebrile

B.p: 130/90mmHg

Resp.rate: 22cpm

Pulse rate: 74bpm

Spo2:- 98%

Systemic Examination

1)Central Nervous system:-

Higher mental functions

* Level of consciousness - Alert

*speech - Normal

*Meningeal signs:-

Kernigs sign - positive
Neck stiffness- present
Brudzinski sign- positive

*Cranial Nerves Examination - normal

* Motor system

Muscle bulk  
                                  Right                              left
        Upper limbs  normal                     normal
        Lower limbs  normal                     normal

Muscle tone 
                                  Right                              left

        Upper limbs   normal                normal
        Lower limbs   normal               normal

Muscle power
                                   Right                      left

        Upper limbs
         Biceps.            5/5                       5/5
         Triceps.          5/5                       5/5
         Supinator.      5/5                       5/5

        Lower limbs  5/5                       5/5

* Sensory system -normal( pain,temperature,
Touch, vibration, pressure) all are well appreciated

* Reflexes  
Superficial and deep reflexes are normal

*Gait - Normal

2) Respiratory system


Shape - elliptical
Bilaterally symmetrical
Movements of chest- Equal on both the sides
Position of trachea - central
No visible scars and pulsations


Trachea -central
Expansion of chest - Equal on both sides
Tactile Vocal fremitus - Normal


Resonant on all areas bilaterally


Bilateral air entry present
Normal vesicular breath sounds
No added sounds

3) Cardiovascular system


Shape of chest -elliptical
No per cordial bulging
No visible pulsations and scars
JVP- not raised


Apical impulse was felt at 5th intercostal space 1cm medial to mid claviculae line.


S1,S2 heard , no murmurs.

4) Per Abdomen Examination


Shape - scaphoid
Umblicus - inverted
All quadrants moving equally with respiration.
No scars, sinuses , visible pulsations and engorged veins
Hernial orifices - free


Soft, non tender
No hepatomegaly and splenomegaly


Tympanic note heard


Normal bowel sounds heard.

Provisional Diagnosis

Dengue Encephalitis with denovo detected type 2 DM.


Complete blood picture

9.6.22 & 11.6.22
Complete urine examination
Liver function tests
Renal function tests
Blood sugar 

Dengue NS1 antigen test
2D echo
Chest xray
Skull xray

CSF Analysis:-

Sugar -81


On 9/6/22

Inj.ceftriaxone 2gm iv BD
Inj.dexamethasone 6mg iv TID
Inj.vancomycin 1gm iv stat
Tab.paracetamol 650mg TID
Syrup cremaffin

On 10/6/22

Inj.ceftriaxone 2gm iv BD
Inj.dexamethasone 6mg iv TID
Inj.vancomycin 1gm iv stat
Tab.paracetamol 650mg TID
Tab Ecosporin 75mg po OD
Tab Atorvas 10mg po OD
Syrup cremaffin plus

On 11/6/22

IVF @100ml/hr
Inj.ceftriaxone 2gm iv BD
Inj.dexamethasone 6mg iv TID
Inj.vancomycin 1gm iv stat
Tab.paracetamol 650mg TID
inj.paracetamol 1gm iv sos 
Tab Ecosporin 75mg po OD
Tab Atorvas 10mg po OD
Ointment Diclofenac
Tab.metformin 500mg OD
Inj.PAN 40mg iv
Tab.Naprozeen 250mg TID
Syrup cremaffin 30ml po HS

On 12/6/22

IVF @75ml/hr
Inj.ceftriaxone 2gm iv BD
Inj.dexamethasone 6mg iv TID
Tab.paracetamol 650mg TID
Tab Ecosporin 75mg po OD
Tab Atorvas 10mg po OD
INj.paracetamol 1gm iv sos
Ointment Diclofenac
Tab.metformin 500mg OD
Inj.PAN 40mg iv
Tab.Naprozeen 250mg TID


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